Manuscript (full paper) submissions (for speakers) are conducted online by filling out the form at
The academic committee will review the manuscript, and only qualified manuscripts that are novel will be invited to be presented. Participants must select whether to publish in the seminar proceedings or participating journals. Manuscripts are prepared and submitted according to the prospective publisher chosen by the participants:
- Bio Web Of Conferences (indexed by Scopus)*
*On Progress
- Journals:
- JIPI (Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA) – Sinta 2
- Phytagoras – Sinta 2
- JRPM (Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika) – Sinta 2
- JSD (Jurnal Sains Dasar) – Sinta 3
- JPMS (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains) – Sinta 3
- JSER (Journal of Science Education Research) – Sinta 3
- JPMMP (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat MIPA dan Pendidikan MIPA – Sinta 5
Author Guidelines
- IJoCE (Indonesian Journal of Chemistry and Environment)
- Ethnomathematics Journal
- Regular Proceeding (ISBN)
There will be an (independent) peer review process that will make a final decision on whether the manuscript will be accepted for publication. The peer review evaluates whether the manuscript satisfies the scope of the seminar, the scientific aspects, the international readability and significance aspects, and the writing style and template as guided by the publication platforms.
Particularly for participants who want to publish in the collaborating journal, the decision will be taken by the journal editors. It is important to consider that it may be possible the journal editors will reject the submission. Therefore, the participants must take into account the consequences of the publication selection. If the journal editors reject the submission, the participants will be given a chance to publish in the regular proceedings if they meet the template requirements and the deadline for re-submission (camera-ready file submission date).