1 |
Dr.Drs.Suyitno Aloysius, M.S. |
Biology |
Morphological and genetic changes of Spathoglottis plicata seedlings resulted from x-ray irradiated seeds |
2 |
Dr. Ir. Suhartini, MS |
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
Biology |
The Effect of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from a Mixture of Fruit, Vegetable, and Livestock Wastes on the Number of Microbes, Nodules, and Growth of Peanut Plants (Arachis hypogaea L.) |
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3 |
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika. Jl. Pemuda 59A Mataram 83125 Lombok, Indonesia. |
Biology |
An Overview Of Bats Bacteria And Its Implication For Tourism In KEK Mandalika, Lombok Island West Nusa Tenggara - Indonesia |
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4 |
Djuna Lamondo |
Biologi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
Biology |
The Effectiveness of Lime Juice (Citrus aurantifolia) to Decrease Plumbum (Pb) Level in Nike Fish (Awaous melanochephalus) |
OK |
5 |
Dewi Wahyuni K. Baderan |
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo |
Biology |
An Analysis of Plant Vegetation Types and Structures on Popaya Island, North Gorontalo |
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6 |
dr. Kartika Ratna Pertiwi, M.Biomed.Sc., Ph.D |
Biology Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
Biology |
Black Garlic’s Effects on Diabetes and Immunity: A Literature Review |
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7 |
Sucika Armiani, S.Si., M.Si |
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.. Jl. Pemuda 59A Mataram 83125 Lombok, Indonesia. |
Biology |
The Potential Of Mangroves As An Effort To Support Sustainable Ectourism In KEK Mandalika Lombok Island West Nusa Tenggara - Indonesia |
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8 |
Yuliana Retnowati |
Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sacience Universitas negeri Gorontalo |
Biology |
Phosphate-Solubilizing Actinomycetes on Rhizosphere Plants in karst ecosystems of Gorontalo, Indonesia |
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9 |
Syam S. Kumaji, S.Pd., M.Kes |
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia |
Biology |
Pathogenicity Testing of Vibrio sp. Bacterial Isolates on the Layang Fish (Decapterus sp.) Sold at the Central Market of Gorontalo City |
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10 |
Risma Wiharyanti |
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
Biology |
Bioactive Compounds and Their Benefit to Health: A Scoping Review of Fermented Coffee |
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