List of Speaker Participant

No NAME INSTITUTION CATEGORYsort descending Title of Paper PAPER
31 Agung Abadi Kiswandono Univertas Lampung Chemistry The Effect of Cu(II) and Pb(II) Heavy Metal Competitors on the Malachite Green Transport Using Polymer Inclusion Membrane Method Containing Polyeugenol
32 Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D Universitas Negeri Medan Chemistry The Potential of Sumatran Frankincense (Styrax benzoin) Forest Plants as a Source of Bioactive Compounds for Medicinal Raw Materials OK
33 Dr. La Ode Aman, M.Si Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Chemistry LADOCK: ADT and AutoDock Interface for Simplifying the Virtual Screening Procedure OK
34 Erfan Priyambodo Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Chemistry Methylene Blue Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution using TiO2-modified Zeolite Granules OK
35 Dr. Kun Sri Budiasih UNY Chemistry Extraction of tannin and complex formation of Fe(III)-tannin from Terminalia catappa
36 Mohammad Wijaya FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar Chemistry Characterization Compound Carbon Active Cacao Waste with Pyrolysis Technology
37 Mifta Fajarwati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Chemistry STABILIZATION OF LEAD IN HYDRATED CaO-PbOx-SiO2 OK
38 Dyah Purwaningsih Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Chemistry Structural characterization of LiCrxMn2-xO4 prepared by simple reflux-microwave irradiation technique OK
39 Gladys Indira Putri Universitas Negeri Jakarta Chemistry Rapid Detection of Vibrio alginolyticus collagenase Gene in Seafood Using real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method OK
40 Atikah Nur Rahmawati Universitas Negeri Jakarta Chemistry Validation of Prototype Detection Kit for Pathogenic Bacteria Cronobacter sakazakii Causes Foodborne Diseases by Polymerase Chain Reaction OK
