List of Speaker Participant

No NAME INSTITUTION CATEGORYsort descending Title of Paper PAPER
81 Endang Jariati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Chemistry Education Multiple representation-based e-book for chemical equilibrium topic: A development process OK
82 Rika Wulandari Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Chemistry Education The Chemistry Bonding Module with Problem-Based Learning Approach Contributes to Improving Critical Thinking and Students’ Self-Directed Learning OK
83 Syaza Syahana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Chemistry Education Effectiveness Of “Kampus Mengajar” Programs In Increasing Literacy And Numeration
84 RIFQI GHUFROONI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA Chemistry Education Challenging Students with Renewable Energy Issue: Implementing Design Thinking Practices to Boost Their Problem-Solving Skills OK
85 Fradhika Maulidina UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Chemistry Education Universal Design for (Chemistry) Learning: Applying Action and Expression Principle OK
86 Erica Anna Pratiwi Yogyakarta State University Chemistry Education Analysis Correlation Between Divergent or Convergent Thinking Styles and Gender of Senior High Students in 11th Grade OK
87 Rasamimanana Joronavalona Chemistry Education, Magister Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Chemistry Education An Overview of Trends from Selected Journals Published in 2021 and 2022 Concerning Project-Based Learning OK
88 Retno Subekti Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Mathematics The mean-variance method for optimizing gold portfolios and Sharia-compliant stocks
89 Nikenasih Binatari UNY Mathematics Stability criteria of two-dimensional delay differential system using Pontryagin Theorem
90 Benny Yong Parahyangan Catholic University Mathematics Using The SI1S1I2S-Type Epidemiological Model to Determine Important Parameters for COVID-19 Transmission with Reinfection in Indonesia
